Clinics & Services


Our doctors provide a full range of advice and services, including emergency contraception and referral for termination.


The Forest Surgery follows an active Health Promotion policy.  Every adult is encouraged to have their blood pressure, weight and urine checked at regular intervals.  If you are 16 years and over and have not attended surgery for more than 3 years and would like a health check, please make an appointment with the Practice Nurse.  Likewise, if you are over 75 and we have not seen you within the last 12 months, please also make an appointment for a general check-up.

It is also of particular importance for women between the ages of 25 and 64 to have regular cervical smears, so please book your appointment to see a Practice Nurse in order to arrange this.  We also run special GP or Nurse led clinics for various disease areas as part of your healthcare management.


It is often advisable to have a course of immunisations against certain diseases before foreign travel, especially to exotic destinations! Please discuss with the nurse at least 6 weeks before you travel.


We provide a full maternity service.  A Midwife is attached to this practice.  She attends the antenatal clinic and sees mothers at home before and after the birth of their baby.  Most confinements take place at Whipps Cross Hospital.