Management Changes FAQ

Why are there management changes at The Forest Surgery?

Following a period of caretaking by Omnes Healthcare Ltd, a national procurement process for a long-term contract between a provider and NHS North East London Integrated Care Board (NHS NEL, the organisation responsible for providing care to patients across north east London) took place.

What are the management changes taking place at The Forest Surgery?

From 1st April 2024, Omnes Healthcare Ltd will no longer be responsible for the management of the practice. This responsibility now lies with the new provider that has been put in place following a successful procurement process.

We are pleased to inform you that a local provider – Addison Road Medical Practice, has been awarded the contract.

When will this change take place?
Addison Road will take over management responsibilities of The Forest Surgery from 1 April 2024.

Will the management changes impact my care that I receive at the practice?

This change in provider will have no impact to the care that patients registered at the Forest Surgery will receive. Patients will continue to be seen at their practice as normal and should attend existing appointments and book new appointments through the usual way.

The quality of services at the practice will continue to remain the number one priority. The practice will continue to be monitored regularly in the same way they have always been and will continue to benchmark all services against both national and local targets including the quality in Primary Care Standards.

Would I need to re-register with the practice?

Patients will not have to re-register with the practice.

Will there be any changes to practice staff?

All existing staff were offered the opportunity to remain at the practice, and ARMP held a staff meeting to reassure staff members that their jobs were safe. The practice has recruited and are currently training staff to add to the workforce for a smooth transition.

Will I still be able to make an appointment to see my usual doctor or healthcare professional?

Yes, you will still be able to book appointments by phoning the practice 020 8498 4988. However, Addison Road Medical Practice will bring in a new appointment system, which is principally done through a GP led online triage system called Klinik. Patients are still able to call the practice but are encouraged to use the triage facilities as it will help with the efficiency of dealing with their case. Appointments will be allocated by the practice staff by calling the patients after a GP has reviewed their case.

Will there be any changes to the premises?

There will no physical changes made at the practice.

Will any service that are currently offered by my practice be removed as a result of the management changes?

No. There are no plans for any services to be removed or stopped.

Will the current arrangements that I have in place for getting my medicines stay the same?

Yes. There will be no changes made to the way you get your medication.

Will the opening times of the practice change?

There will be no changes made to the opening or closing time of the practice.